Looks like we’re on to something.
This past weekend, the Cincinnati Parks Foundation team celebrated another successful season of accessible hiking with our partners at Luke5Adventures, a group that organizes regular hikes with their all-terrain wheelchair called a Rosie Chair. Through our partnership with Luke5, the Cincinnati Parks Foundation offers an accessible hiking program, Everybody In Mt. Airy, that gives people with disabilities the opportunity to explore Mt. Airy Forest. Our be.well offering also includes accessible hiking for kids with disabilities, and we have explored several of our parks this fall. Our accessible hiking programs will resume again in 2023 with exciting opportunities for both hikers and volunteers to explore our Cincinnati Parks.

We love that through programming with be.well and Luke5Adventures, we really do help make parks accessible for people who might otherwise not be able to explore them. We’re proud of this award-winning program here in Cincinnati Parks and even more excited to see opportunities grow in parks in other states. Luke5Adventures now has chapters in Dayton and Cleveland, Ohio, as well as Colorado Springs, Wisconsin, Tucson, and the Gulf Coast. Now, several states are offering free all-terrain wheelchairs at national parks around the country. We’ll continue to grow our programming, and focus on ensuring equitable access to our parks and greenspaces here in Cincinnati–a trend that is catching on all over the country. Keep following us for more news about our accessible programs and learn how we’re making sure that everyone can explore our great outdoors.