Think you’ve seen it all at Krohn Conservatory? Well, there’s a good chance that you haven’t! Between the Bonsai Room and Desert House, is an outdoor room named the Betty Gale Garden. This special space was dedicated in memory of the late Cincinnati model, mother and Krohn supporter, Elizabeth Bakhaus Gale.
Unfortunately, this room featured elements that were not ADA-compliant, such as uneven stepping stones and a cement lip at the entrance. Due to the garden’s inaccessibility, it was closed to the public for many years.
Krohn Conservatory Director, Andrea Schepmann, worked closely with Nelson Schwab, son of the late Betty Gale to have the garden renovated. Thanks to a generous $24,000 gift from the Nelson Schwab Family Foundation, the Betty Gale Garden received a new concrete walk and adjusted inlets, making the garden fully accessible.
The garden will reopen to the public after a small rededication ceremony on September 16, 2019. Special thank you to the Nelson Schwab Family Foundation for making this possible for the Cincinnati community!