We’re on a mission to protect and improve our treasured parks to further opportunities for recreation, education, exploration, and more.
Glenway Park
Glenway Park may be located at the center of a neighborhood, but it isn’t the welcoming place for the community as it should be. Every child deserves a place to play and parks are a natural center for recreation, gathering, and fun. Join us in creating a more inviting, safe place for children and families in Glenway Park.

Make Way for Children
This hilltop playspace could give a bird's eye view of the neighborhood, but honeysuckle and other invasive species impede visibility by creating a natural barrier. Removal of invasives will give the playground more visibility and make it a more inviting space.
A Place to Play
Empowering play is an opportunity for social and emotional learning in children. Yet, many children are choosing screens over outdoor time. Studies show that time spent playing outdoors can contribute to more advanced motor skills, improved muscle strength, lower body mass index, and better overall health. A new playground, developed with input from community members and neighbors–including children–will help give an easily accessible and safe place for recreation and play.
Parks are Community Centers
Glenway Park will be transformed into a natural place for gathering and will encourage more time spent outdoors for Price Hill families, which will increase a sense of community belonging.
Together, we can all do more in Cincinnati Parks.
For more information on how you can be a part of creating a new, safe space to play and gathering in Price Hill, please contact Lindsay Wilhelm.