
We're obLITTERating litter in Cincinnati Parks!

It's time to say goodbye to litter!

Cincinnati Parks Foundation is proud to host litter clean-ups in Cincinnati Parks and surrounding greenspaces across the city. Grab a trash bag and some gloves and join us as we get HANDS ON to get LITTER OUT of the parks.

Litter is a problem, but there are solutions.

We are joining forces with the City of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Parks, the Clean Up Collective, Keep Cincinnati Beautiful, and volunteers to take action against litter. You can join us at one of our litter cleanups across the city. 

Volunteer dates are below, locations will be added the month of each clean-up.

Person removing litter in Cincinnati Parks

obLITTERators Clean-Ups

Volunteer and get a branded high-visibility t-shirt!

Volunteers will receive a branded obLITTERators t-shirt to wear at the event and beyond! 

What you need to volunteer

Roll up your sleeves to help fight litter! Everyone is encouraged to join, from families to local businesses and city leaders. All tools and supplies will be provided, including litter pickers, trash bags, gloves, and plastic 5-gallon buckets. Bring a reusable water bottle and your own sunscreen and let's get to obLITTERating some trash!

obLITTERators t-shirt

*Most events will take place the 3rd Sunday of the month, 12-2 pm. Please check the schedule for date and locations

Scroll to the bottom for the Waiver of Liability and Release.

2025 Season Dates:


Sunday, February 16 | 12-2 pm

Location: Parker Woods

Meet at Parker Woods Elementary.

4370 Beech Hill Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45223
Click here for directions.


Sunday, March 16 | 12-2 pm

Location: Inwood Park

Meet at the PNC Playground on Wellington Place.

Wellington Pl, Cincinnati, OH 45219
Click here for directions.


Sunday, April 27 | 12-2 pm

Location: Owl's Nest Park

Meet at the Pavilion.
Park along Pogue Avenue near Cohoon Street.

1984 Madison Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45208
Click here for directions.


Sunday, May 18 | 12-2 pm

Location: Sawyer Point and Smale Riverfront Park

Meet at the parking lot.
When you enter the parking lot through the parking arm (no charge for parking) turn left and park close to the Red Bike and charging terminals section of the parking lot.

Because the area is so large, we will split up into groups to cover the needs of the parks.

705 E Pete Rose Way, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Click here for directions.


Sunday, June 8 | 12-2 pm

Location: MLK Jr. Park and Seasongood Square

Meet at the playground at MLK Park.
Park alongside Burton Avenue.

We will pick up event litter and trash in and around MLK Park and Seasongood Square.
*There is no entrance to the park off Fred Shuttlesworth Circle. 

3740 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45229
Click here for directions.


Sunday, July 20 | 12-2 pm

Location: Miles Edwards Park

Park in the small lot near the playset at the intersection of Fehr Road and S Delridge Dr.

4401 Fehr Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45238
Click here for directions.


Sunday, August 17 | 12-2 pm

Location: Mt. Echo Park

Meet at the parking lot off Crestline Ave (your first right off of Mt. Echo Park Dr).

We will pick up trash along the overlook, woodline, playground, tennis courts, and pavilion areas.

251 Mt Echo Park Dr, Cincinnati, OH, 45205
Click here for directions.


Sunday, September 21 | 12-2 pm

Location: Mt. Airy Forest, Everybody's Treehouse

Meet in front of Mt Airy Forest Everybody's Treehouse.
Park along Trail Ridge Rd.

We will pick up trash within the playground, along Oak Ridge Rd to Oak Ridge Lodge, and along Trail Ridge Rd towards Stone Steps Shelter.

5083 Colerain Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45223
Click here for directions.


Sunday, October 19 | 12-2 pm

Location: Inwood Park, Grow Up Great Playground

Meet at the PNC Grow Up Great Playground off of Wellington Place Circle.
Park alongside Wellington Place.

We will remove litter for the shelter, Grow Up Great Playground, and will move down towards Vine Street and the playground. 

2308 Vine St. Cincinnati, OH 45219
Click here for directions.


Sunday, November 16 | 12-2 pm

Location: Glenway Park

We will meet at the entrance to the Park at the corner of Brevier and Considine.

We will remove litter from the park, treeline, and playground areas. 

3200 Brevier Ave. Cincinnati, OH, 45205
Click here for directions.


Sunday, December 14 | 12-2 pm

Location: Rapid Run Park

Meet at the new playground.
Park in the parking lot off of Rapid Run near Rutledge Avenue.

We will remove litter from the park, treeline, and playground areas.

4450 Rapid Run Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45205
Click here for directions.