A ray of sunshine. A force to be reckoned with. A steady pillar of the community. Marye Ward is all that and more. A mother of four and a grandmother of two, she has dedicated her life to creating opportunities for communities to thrive. Her focus – cultivating spaces where children can play, connect and grow into healthy individuals.

What did we do when we were kids? We went to the park! That’s why this revitalization of Owl’s Nest Park is so important.

Marye Ward

For Marye, Owl’s Nest Park is one of those essential spaces. “It’s a place where everyone can hang out, touch grass and breathe. A place to get away from busy everyday life, slow down and connect with nature and neighbors.” As a member of the Evanston Community Council, she has worked to promote the park within the neighborhood. “We want people to know that the park is theirs, that the park is for everyone. So, we organize events to bring people in.”

“We started years ago with EvanstonFEST—a day of fun and music in September. In 2023, we grew to five festivals, three of them happening in Owl’s Nest Park. It’s a lot of work, but the turnout is amazing, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. Bringing music into parks just makes sense, and these festivals have really helped unite the community. People like Cincinnati Parks Commissioner Kick Lee (also Executive Director and Founder of Cincinnati Music Accelerator) have been strong supporters of our events, and they get it—music brings people together. That’s why we have everything from gospel and jazz to classical music with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. We want to offer something for everyone to enjoy.”

Bridging Communities Through Park Revitalization

Owl’s Nest Park has long felt like two separate places—one for Evanston and one for East Walnut Hills. “The events we organize are designed to show that the park is for everyone. We want people to feel comfortable using the whole park. The new design with improved accessibility and the open pavilion that acts as a connector will be amazing.

Marye’s passion for creating opportunities for kids extends beyond the park. She co-founded and administers the Cincinnati United Youth Football and Cheer League, ensuring young people have a structured and supportive environment. “In a team sport like football, kids learn how to deal with conflict, and girls are taught to know their worth and value. Children need more fresh air, time outside and in-person connections with their peers. What did we do when we were kids? We went to the park! That’s why this revitalization of Owl’s Nest Park is so important.”

Looking Ahead: A Bigger and Better Park Experience

She sees the park’s transformation as a long-term investment in the neighborhood. “We hope to have a place where we can socialize in our own neighborhood. We need to collaborate with all the surrounding communities and treat the park nicely. It’s for us and for the people who will come after us.”

In 2025, Marye and other community members are planning the new edition of Jam Fest, a traditional family-focused event featuring a petting zoo, the Cincinnati Circus and activities which showcase the entire park. “It takes a lot of work to do these events, and I couldn’t do it alone, especially without my friend Christine Johnson.”

In the coming months, I look forward to seeing the park full of people—walking, little ones playing in the playground, kids and young people out on the baseball and basketball courts, and neighbors just hanging out and connecting with each other and nature.” As far as events are concerned, she sees Owl’s Nest as an active community space with markets, community yoga and exercise programs.  “I also hope we can bring plays to the park once that new stage is ready to go.”

How to Support Owl’s Nest Park

Spreading the word about fundraising is key. “Word of mouth works best. If you have social media, put it on your page, ask your friends to share. We just have to use the tools we have. There are a lot of challenging things going on in the world, but we can come together for this one positive thing and see it through.”

Building Community, One Brick at a Time

Marye Ward is all about taking action and stepping outside of your comfort zone. She believes in the power of small steps, saying, “When you get ready to build something, you lay it one brick at a time.” For her, the key is to stay brave, meet like-minded people, and never give up. She knows that while there are challenges, finding common ground is crucial. As she puts it, ” We all have the power to make a difference, and with a little effort, we can build something amazing.”
Let’s support the Owl’s Nest Park campaign to preserve history and keep this Cincinnati gem alive and thriving.

Aerial View of Owl’s Nest Park 2.0